Why is AMC1 important for every doctor?
Published on Jun 21, 2023
![]() The real potential of the AMC Part 1 exam seems to be underestimated by many people. The first thing is, it gets unfairly compared to PLAB1 since you can apply for jobs straight after passing AMC. Second, doctors usually think AMC1 is just for young graduates. However, in this video, you'll find out why AMC Part 1 is equally as important for midlevel and senior doctors, GPs, and even overseas specialists considering CAP. There seems to be a misconception about AMC Part 1's true potential. Today on the EF blog, we're going to go over all the reasons why you should care about AMC Part 1! |
Here's how I'm going to breakdown this topic:
AMC 1 overview
AMC 1 success rates
AMC 1's availability and convenience
What can AMC 1 do for fresh grads?
What can AMC 1 do for GPs?
What can AMC 1 do for UK membership doctors?
What can AMC 1 do for specialists?
My recommendations
1. AMC 1 overview
The catalyst
It's kind of a catalyst for your clinical experience, so it might improve your chances of landing a job after you pass AMC 1. And to be honest, it's the same for PLAB and USMLE. That's why young grads do research and publications, presentations (they're often exploited by first authors to do the leg work and get the 4 and 5 credits on citations), expensive overseas electives and observerships so you can get crucial references...as doctors know, PLAB and USLME aren't enough to make it on the competitive FIRST medical job market.
2. AMC 1 success rates
Good success in AMC 1 with simple content
AMC 1 is a simple subject-based test like a final year MBBS exam.
In general, if you've passed your basic medicals and done your internship or house job, you'll be able to pass this exam with a 60% pass rate if you prepare well for it on average over 3-4 months while working full-time. People who struggle are usually those who have clinical gaps and haven't invested fully in preparation. With just 4 months of solid preparation, I've seen doctors with 8,10 and 12 years of career gaps who pass the AMC 1 exam. This is STEP 1 and a catalyst for what you've already done, so there's no reason not to do it.
If you're a doctor and aren't sure where to get the latest and most efficient resources to be able to prepare in the shortest time possible, then you're not alone.
I recommend you join our Emergency Focus AMC 1 course. Our course is designed to provide you with the most up-to-date information and resources to help you prepare for the exam. We provide you with the necessary notes, videos, and presentations to help you build a strong foundation. Additionally, our trial exam and practice exam questions allow you to test your knowledge and practice your skills. Finally, our boot camp at the end of the course will help you review and reinforce the material you learned.
It's a comprehensive program with quality content and the support of experienced instructors, so you can feel confident that you are well-prepared for the exam. Everything you need is included, so you can study and prepare for the exam just in four months with no worries and waste of time.
It's an online course you can do on your phone, laptop, or computer. Since the live classes are in the evening, this makes it easy for anyone to attend.
For more information, go to www.emergencyfocus.net/amc
3. AMC 1's availability and convenience
On average, AMC1 has 6 dates a month, including on- and offshore centers. It's got 17 centers in India alone, plus Singapore, Bangkok, Myanmar, Philippines, Hong Kong, China, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, All the states in the US, and even Johannesburg in South Africa.
The cost is AUD$3620, which includes MBBS degree evaluation and creating the AMC profile.
It NEVER expires, so you don't have to worry if your plans change or you need to have more clinical experience, it's still valid. This is the only exam that lets you apply for jobs in Australia from your own country, so it's especially convenient for people in India, the Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, and IMGs from the UK and the US. Just to make it real, in the last 12 months, I've personally assisted doctors with interviews who were shortlisted just because of their excellent credentials and no gap on their CVs.
4. What can AMC 1 do for fresh grads?
Young doctors always ask me, when will I get a job after AMC 1?
Here's the answer:
For clinical experience, do an internship and RMO for 12 months, especially in Emergency, ICU, and Medicine.
Take BLS and ALS courses and procedural skills courses from a reputable provider.
You should justify career gaps in your CV with jobs that involve patient dealing, communication, and empathy (like medical admin, nursing, disability care, and even customer service).
The bottom line is this: if you make an effective CV, I assure you, you will be shortlisted for interviews because employers like to recruit young doctors who are energetic and enthusiastic about what they do, so your CV will be taken into account.
5. What can AMC 1 do for GPs?
If you're a doctor with extensive GP experience in your home country, there are pathways like Fellowship Support Programs (FSP) that let you start working straight after AMC 1 via a Pre-employment Structured Clinical Interview (PESCI).
If you want more info about GP pathways in Australia, check out my video here.
6. What can AMC 1 do for UK membership doctors?
There are now many doctors in the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and the UK with MRCEM, MRCS, and MRCP qualifications in addition to excellent clinical experience.
I tell you that if you want to work in Australia and you have full GMC registration through the membership exam route, and you're currently working in the UK or Ireland, It's time to take AMC 1.
In hospitals, there is a desperate need for experienced doctors like you. Job prospects have always been good for experienced doctors, and the only thing stopping you is this simple AMC 1 exam, so think about it.
7. What can AMC 1 do for specialists?
Since then, I've been doing a lot of 1:1 career counseling with Indian, Middle Eastern, and Pakistani specialists. There have also been people with MDs, MSs, and FCPSs applying for Specialist paths.
Those of you who are familiar with specialist recognition know it's an extensive review of your training and exam to make sure it matches the Australian system. Secondly, the specialist exam costs AUD 8,000 to up to 10,000 up front, which is twice what AMC 1 costs.
Imagine you've been recognized as a comparable specialist partially or fully.
Your next step is to do 6-12 months of supervised registrar jobs in your specialty in Australia.
If you want these kinds of jobs in surgery, ortho, gynecology, dermatology, cardiology, radiology, and so forth, you'll be competing against young Aussie doctors, so you'll hit a bottleneck.
I've known overseas Cardiology MDs and Ortho MSs who couldn't find supervised jobs and wasted their $8000.
Here's my advice: be smart; Do AMC 1. Then go for an unaccredited registrar job. There are plenty in the ED if you're surgical inclined, in ICU if you're ICU or anesthesia inclined, and in medicine, if you're medical or in allied specialties like cardiology. This is a great way to get Australian experience, meet people, network with experienced professionals, and learn how to apply in your area of specialty.
You can then apply for specialist recognition in your field after a year. By doing this, you can show your local Australian experience, and references, and get paid here at the same time.
There's a doctor I know from India who's a fully qualified interventional cardiologist and worked as a registrar in acute medicine and neurology. After he developed good links and references, he applied for specialist recognition and was approved to work as a cardiologist in AoN in Australia. He's now running a successful and busy private practice.
8. My recommendations
After passing AMC1 and having a good CV approach, you won't have much trouble getting shortlisted for an interview if you have recent 2-3 years of clinical experience without any gaps.
PESCI would be a good option for doctors with 3 years of GP experience, it will save you time and you can always switch to another GP pathway that leads to fellowship later.
If you've passed the UK Membership exams and you have UK clinical experience and you pass AMC1, you'll have no trouble getting a job interview in Australia; Trust me.
For specialist MDs, MSs, and FCPSs, it's actually better to do AMC1 and work in Australia before applying and investing $8000 dollars in specialist reconditioning.
The AMC 1 exam might be the only exam you need if you get into the WBA program. After you get into the program, you can apply for general registration by AHPRA and then apply straight for permanent residency.
The Australian medical industry is booming for the next 12-24 months, so plan it smart and avoid roadblocks. Feel free to reach out to me at www.emergencyfocus.net/careerguidance if you need further help.
If you need any help with AMC1 or have any questions leave them in the comments section and I'll get back to you.
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