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Paediatric Resuscitation & Emergencies MASTERCLASS

Paediatric Resus workshop is now updated with Cases, Pictures, Videos oriented learning and more resuscitation scenarios ! 

Emergency Focus |

Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz MBBS MCPS FCPS 


Dr Jabeen is a graduate of Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. In Pakistan, Dr. Fayyaz was actively involved in the development of the Emergency Medicine program whilst working in Pakistan in tertiary teaching hospitals. 


In Toronto, Canada, Dr. Fayyaz completed her Paediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellowship and Simulation Fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children and facilitates several simulation-based courses including APLS, procedural sedation, acute care resuscitation training for residents and PEM fellows.


Dr. Fayyaz recently completed her Master’s in Health Professional Education, a Teaching Scholarship Program and a Certificate Course in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety - all from the University of Toronto.  Her interests include resuscitation, patient safety and quality improvement practices utilising simulation.  

Emergency Focus |
Emergency Focus |
Emergency Focus |
Emergency Focus |


AUD $100 

* Free with Online Clinical Orientation Course 


Certificate of 9 CPD hours

RACGP candidates to upload certificate to their online portal for CPD hours approval 

The most innovative online Paediatric Resuscitation workshop with VIRTUAL RESUSCITATION ROOM where you will have access to patient, equipment and all monitoring. 

4 hour each day total 8hours of interactive learning 


Day 1

Recognition of the critically ill child

Small group discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using Mentimeter within the presentation

o   Distinguish the three components of the pediatric assessment triangle

o   Assess pediatric-specific features of initial assessment

o   Describe the initial interventions and investigations for successful resuscitation and stabilization

o   Identify key features of challenging cases in pediatrics and formulate a diagnostic approach to evaluation


Resuscitation Update -PALS

Small group discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Identify key scientific updates in pediatric resuscitation

o   Recognize change in focus of latest resuscitation guidelines

o   Review current guidelines for pediatric resuscitation

Septic Shock case

Case based Discussion 1

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using Mentimeter within the presentation

o Define shock and categorize shock types in children.

o Distinguish septic shock from other forms of shock.

o Outline management of shock based on etiology.


Cardiogenic Shock

Case based Discussion 1

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using Mentimeter within the presentation

o Define shock and categorize shock types in children.

o Distinguish cardiogenic shock from other forms of shock.

o Outline management of cardiogenic shock based on etiology.


Septic shock

Simulation based case run

Define shock and categorize shock types in children.

o Distinguish septic shock from other forms of shock.

o Outline management of shock based on etiology.

Approach to respiratory emergencies and airway management

Small group discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Review management options for common respiratory emergencies in children

o    Distinguish respiratory distress from respiratory failure

o   Identify patients requiring rapid sequence intubation


Child  with Respiratory distress

Case Based Discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Review management options for common respiratory emergencies in children

o    Distinguish respiratory distress from respiratory failure

o   Identify patients requiring rapid sequence intubation



Simulation based case run

Review management options for common respiratory emergencies in children

o    Distinguish respiratory distress from respiratory failure

o   Identify patients requiring rapid sequence intubation

Day 2

Trauma Based on ATLS guidelines

Small Group discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Identify key scientific updates in pediatric resuscitation

o   Recognize change in focus of latest resuscitation guidelines

o   Review current guidelines for pediatric resuscitation


Head Injury

Case based discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Define concepts of primary and secondary survey in children

o   Discuss management priorities based on life-threatening injuries identified in the primary survey.

o   Discuss the identification and initial treatment of life-threatening injuries to major organ systems

Multisystem Trauma-Blunt abdominal trauma

Case based discussion 2

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Define concepts of primary and secondary survey in children

o   Discuss management priorities based on life-threatening injuries identified in the primary survey.

o   Discuss the identification and initial treatment of life-threatening injuries to major organ systems.


Motor Vehicle Crash

Simulation based case run

Define concepts of primary and secondary survey in children

o   Discuss management priorities based on life-threatening injuries identified in the primary survey.

o   Discuss the identification and initial treatment of life-threatening injuries to major organ systems.



Day 3

Neonatal Emergencies

Small group discussion

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Recognize presentation and outline of management of ductal dependent lesions

o   Outline the sequence of care in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of an infant

o   Describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and emergency management of metabolic diseases of the newborn and young child


Newly born baby Limp

Case based discussion 

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Recognize presentation and outline of management of ductal dependent lesions

o   Outline the sequence of care in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of an infant

o   Describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and emergency management of metabolic diseases of the newborn and young child


Newborn baby with Cyanosis

Case based discussion 2

Inbuilt PEM puzzles using mentimeter within the presentation

o   Recognize presentation and outline of management of ductal dependent lesions

o   Outline the sequence of care in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of an infant

o   Describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and emergency management of metabolic diseases of the newborn and young child


Preterm baby born limp

Simulation based case run

Recognize presentation and outline of management of ductal dependent lesions

o   Outline the sequence of care in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of an infant

o   Describe the epidemiology, clinical features, and emergency management of metabolic diseases of the newborn and young child

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